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Brian Lekas


Brian Lekas

Message from the Family

My husband and best friend has now gone on an adventure without me. December 26, 2024 at around 3:30 pm Brian passed away. There will be no 100-word obituary trying to tell his story of a wonderful and beautiful life. No name on markers or carved cement in front of his head that tells others of some important dates or words like " I told you I was sick". They are soon forgotten. Our hearts are where he is and will always be. There will be no visiting hours. His visiting hours are in the hearts of people who loved him during his walk through life. There will be no service. His service is in his daughter, Brandy, son, Corey, son-in-law, Joe, and myself, who has loved him for over 50 years, and in his Golden Retriever, Westy, who stayed very close to him especially when he knew he was sick.

In place of sending flowers, please send flowers to someone you love and in lieu of donations, please perform a random act of kindness in Brian’s memory.

We should all try to live our lives as he did.

Don’t ask; just do. Help people in need. Do what is needed to make life easier for them even if it’s for one split second. Help people to experience the world and to be happy no matter their circumstances, the same way he did for his older brother with cerebral palsy, Chester, whom he loved very much.   

Laugh and tease and joke. He tried to stay positive even if someone cut him off in traffic or was driving too slow. He was working on that!

Spending time with his Dad and being able to call him his best friend.

Give back to the universe with your talents and gifts. Saying thank-you and I’m sorry. Kindness, respect, love, hard work and adventures.  How do you spell Love? T-I-M-E. Time is the best gift.

Motorbike adventures with his brothers and always planning the next one with them. Always caring and wondering what his sisters were up to and how they were doing. Four wheeling adventures with true friends, love of cars, VW adventures, motorbiking, hosting theme parties, VW scavenger hunts, dressing up as a clown in front of his daughter and son-in-law’s house during COVID just because he missed them. Secretly leaving gnomes and treasures on people’s front lawns.

Be crazy and work hard to step out of your comfort zone.

Spending lots of time and love with his son, Corey.

He told me to keep travelling, make and keep good friends. Go on a few adventures with our 68 VW California bus (when it is up and running and not on the back of a tow truck)!

Brian, you did the best you could, and you did it right.

He can now slide into Heaven saying "wow, what a ride". He told me when it is my turn to slide into Heaven, he will be there to catch me.

Moments of time are a lifetime of memories, and my heart and body are full of moments thanks to him.

Love Life

-Brian’s wife Debbie, who has been honored and blessed to have his last name - Lekas

Brian’s life will be celebrated privately by his family.